A-Kerr’s has been practicing early spay / neutering (also known as de sexing, altering, sterilizing, or simply ESN) of our pet Bengal kittens since the early 90s. The benefit to you, our clients, is that you receive a Bengal kitten that is ready to be your pet! It’s one less expense to you, one less thing to have to worry about as a pet parent. Bengal kittens recover under our watchful eye, in the comfort of the environment they’ve been raised in, surrounded by litter mates and mom. Both of the vets that we have used in the last 20 years have extensive experience in the procedure and kittens must be at least 2lbs (or ~1kg), and healthy. Scientific research finds that recovery is faster in young kittens than in adults, and prevents unwanted behaviors like calling, spraying, and coming into heat / estrus for females. Because some Bengals can become sexually mature between 4-6 months, we do the altering surgery before this. This is a non negotiable policy. Backyard breeders are supported by kitten mills or other BYBs that don’t bother practicing ESN and have sold pet kittens or cats with no papers, or the promise of registration papers once proof of altering is provided. Unfortunately BYBs don’t care about registration papers and breed indiscriminately, without proper health testing, simply to make a few dollars selling cute kittens to the unsuspecting public. Please think about the long term future of cats produced in this manner. This hurts the integrity of the breed as diseases such as HCM / PRA-b / PK-def are perpetuated by those breeders that cut corners with health testing as well. We always provide registration papers (CFA or TICA or both) at the time of the sale, as well as written contract and health guarantees.

Other reasons we do altering before your kittens leaves us:

TICA Code of Ethics states: “ I will make every effort to spay / neuter every kitten prior to leaving.” Most reputable breeders do ESN. Kitten mills, and backyard breeders can’t be bothered to do this because it cuts into their profits.

See this excellent resource : www.felinefixbyfive.org

WINN Feline foundation: www.winnfelinefoundation.org/grants/top-twelve-advancements


The above article in particular points out that does not appear to adversely affect skeletal, physical, or behavioral development. Research in canines suggests that growth plates may be impacted when puppies are altered early, but this WAS NOT found to be the case in cats.



Organizations that support Early Spay / Neuter:
